Thursday, December 2, 2010

Huck: PINE!

Oh my gosh! What is this stuff? It's sticky and tickley and smells so good! I love to fling it in the air and then catch it. Then I like to do it again. And again. And again! My mom doesn't seem so thrilled though. She said it doesn't belong in my mouth. In my defense I found it hanging on the deck railing - at snout height - and thought she had left it there for me. Maybe she is not happy because she spent time hanging about 40 feet of that green stuff. She loves to decorate for Christmas and one of her favorite things is "draping the garland" (her words, not mine) on the deck with white lights. Um, I don't think that's gonna happen this year. Well, I'll let her worry about it because on top of this great find, it's snowing again! Woo hoo! 

Gotta go. I'm pining to get back outside. *Bada bing*

Notice the missing strand of garland from the deck railing. Mom's right, it really was kinda pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Huck!

    I am sure you are either part cat or I am part dog after all.

    I love pine, too--and I also like to EAT it. We get brown pine needles on the ground all the time here. They aren't as pretty as your green ones unless we get lots of rain and wind (which really scares me). I think they call those Hurricanes or Tropical Storms or depressions or something. (I get depressed when it rains, for sure! I sleep and sleep until it stops.) When those storms roll through here, then braches fall down and I see green pine.

    Anyway, my mommy usually finds out I have eaten pine when I throw it up. She isn't happy with me then cause she tells me over and over I will get sick if I eat it, but I forget it every time! Can you believe something this good is bad for you? (Do you think too much cake and ice cream makes people sick?)

    I am loving those photos of you. You go, Huck! You're my hero.

    Your Pal,

    p.s.--Since I live with an English teacher--I noticed how you used a "pun" at the end of your blog. Very funny!
