Monday, January 24, 2011

Abby: Uh oh.

My mommy is going out of town tomorrow night and I was supposed to go to Aunt Mary's. I love going to Aunt Mary's. She has five dogs of her own and I just love playing with them. I'm sure they feel the same way. Well, maybe not Sassy. Anyway, I was really looking forward to visiting with them and then I heard Daddy tell Mommy that he would like for me to stay home while Mommy is gone. Mommy said she was trying to help Daddy by sending me to Aunt Mary's, but Daddy said he thinks we should have Daddy-Daughter time. I'm not sure what to think of this. Daddy said that he would have a little talk with me. I think he is concerned with my management skills, which I believe are quite effective and necessary. For example, what would Mommy and Daddy do if I weren't around to manage Buster and Huck when they decide to get rowdy? My bark and perseverance come in handy in a household of five dogs. I mean, my mommy and daddy can't do it alone! Hopefully, I will be able to remind Daddy of my valuable role in our home. If that doesn't work, I'll have to pull out the "daddy's-little-girl" charm. Wish me lucky, Diary.


  1. Wow, Abby! You're lucky to have Daddy-daughter time. I love my Mommy-son time. She is a big help to me, especilaly since I am sad right now.

    I hope you and your daddy have a good time.


    Your Pal,

    Jade :)

  2. Dear Jade,

    My mommy told me about your loss. She is vey sad for you. I am also very sorry. My brothers and I understand what you are going through. We lost a sister two and half years ago and a brother one and a half years ago. We still miss them terribly, but try out best to talk and laugh about their silly quirks. I know it's terribly difficult for you, though, as you have no other kitties to play with. You do have a wonderful family, however, to make sure you are well taken care of and loved.

    Think of you,

  3. Thank you, Abby.

    Actually, Blue was my full sister. Then mommy brought home 2 stray kittens from the vet a couple years ago, so Blue and I raised "the children" together. I have these two now to watch over.

    Thank you, again, for your sweet condolences on behalf of your brothers and family.

    I miss Blue a lot, but I have not been as sad as I was that first night. Maybe it won't hurt as bad with time.

    Your Pal,
