Monday, August 8, 2011

Abby: Can you hear me now?!

So things are getting back to normal around here. Mommy and Daddy miss Huck very much, but say the sadness seems to lessen as time passes. Buster is trotting, howling at whatever scent he picks up in the air, and eating like crazy. (He still gets sick about once a day, but Mommy and Daddy are in constant communication with the vets about that.) Gus is happy and sweet as always, and all is right with Hobbit's world, well, as long as either his Poncho or Mommy is nearby. (Nothing new there.) And me? Well, Mommy says my barking seems to be more offensive than ever. Hmph! I don't think my voice is shrill, but Daddy and she say they beg to differ. Mommy says she doesn't mind that I bark because that's what doggies do. It's just that she doesn't want me to bark so much, especially because it's pretty loud. She says it's more like "eardrum-piercing loud." Well, how am I supposed to get my point across if I can't make myself heard? I have valuable opinions to share. Like when someone new comes into our home, I need let them know that they are to greet me before they do anything else. Or when Buster is ignoring me while I'm trying to get his attention, it is necessary that I raise my voice to make him listen to me. I have to admit it usually doesn't work, though. Oh, and when  I want to play fetch, I must bark loudly so that Mommy and Daddy know that it's time to throw the ball. Yes, they may be standing right there reaching for the ball, but I still need to prompt them. I am certain of it. So, as you can see, my voice is an important one in this family.

Well, I overheard Mommy and Daddy talking about something called a citronella bark collar. Hmmm. I'm not so sure how I feel about this. Mommy says that it may be necessary, though, because I don't listen to her when she tells me to stop barking. She asked our vet Dr. Sarah about it today and Dr. Sarah said it's safe and effective. Mommy says she is apprehensive but she might go ahead and order it and give it a try. I'll let you know how that goes - you can be sure that I will voice my opinion about this experiment!

It's getting close to my bedtime and I need to rest my vocal chords. Good night!

Abby xoxo


  1. Before you buy the collar, would you please give this a try? Take an empty soda can put 5 pennies in it. When Abby barks, throw the can, but away from her, not at her. When the noise startles her and she pauses her barking, praise her like mad for being quiet. Treats are helpful too. You can also simply shake the can to get her to stop. This is called a remote correction and will be less stressful than the collar. Works for my dogs.

  2. We are glad things are getting back to normal and we are sending purrs that Buster gets better!
